If you’re having issues uploading your video to Youtube using iMovie, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the problem. First, check if your internet connection is running smoothly. Then, make sure that your video meets Youtube’s requirements, which can include factors such as the video length, size, and file format.
Hi, my name is Nancy and I am a passionate storyteller who loves creating videos using iMovie. As someone who has experienced the frustration of encountering difficulties when uploading videos to YouTube, I can relate to the challenges that you may face.
In this article, I will discuss the potential reasons behind these uploading issues and offer practical solutions to help you resolve them.
Reason 1: Unstable Internet Connection
The quality of your internet connection plays a crucial role in the process of uploading videos to YouTube.
Slow Upload Speed
If you have a slow internet connection, you may experience interrupted uploads and errors, which could force you to restart the uploading process from the beginning.
To determine if your internet connection is slow, you can conduct an internet speed test for free using Google Fiber.
The duration of time required to upload a video to YouTube can vary significantly, depending on factors such as the video’s size, length, and quality.
For example, in order for a standard 1080p video of around 800 MB to upload within 10 minutes, it requires an internet upload speed of 15 Mbps or higher. Having a stable and fast internet connection is essential to ensure that the video file can be seamlessly uploaded from iMovie to YouTube.
Network Issues
Uploading your video to YouTube can be impacted by various internet-related problems. One common issue is having a weak Wi-Fi signal, which may arise if you are far away from the wireless router or using a shared internet connection with multiple users.
Another possible cause of a slow internet connection is overusing your network by having multiple devices streaming content simultaneously.
To fix this, you can try turning off some of these devices, temporarily stop streaming content, move closer to the wireless router, or connect directly to your router using an ethernet cable.
If you come across the “Network error has occurred” message while trying to upload a video, it’s necessary to update your web browser to the most recent version and then attempt the upload again.
Reason 2: You Need to Login into Your Youtube Account
On the Mac, if you are using an older version of iMovie, it gives you the option to upload your video directly to Youtube from iMovie.
When you click the “Share” icon and select “Youtube”, you will be required to connect your Youtube channel with iMovie. Once it’s connected, you should be able to upload the iMovie video.
Reason 3: YouTube Upload Restrictions
Technical problems may arise on YouTube’s platform that can hinder your ability to upload videos.
Video Size and Format
Trying to upload a video file that is too large or too short will not work. The minimum video file size allowed by YouTube is 2 KB.
If you haven’t verified your YouTube account, you can only upload videos that are less than 15 minutes in length. Make sure to verify your account in order to have a higher upload limit of 12 hours or 256 GB in size.
iMovie generally exports videos as either MP4 or MOV, both of which are supported by YouTube. To ensure a successful upload and avoid any errors, you should check if the exported files are broken or corrupt before uploading them to YouTube.
Daily Upload Limit
According to Youtube, it’s not possible to upload an unlimited number of videos in a day. If you already uploaded a high number of videos and reached your daily upload limit, then you will have to try again in 24 hours to upload more.
A failed upload can sometimes occur due to an unexplained reason, which may be caused by an error on YouTube’s end. It is recommended to wait for a while and try to upload the video again later.
How to Upload a Video to Youtube from iMovie
With iMovie, uploading your video to YouTube is super simple and we’ll take you through each step of the process.
iMovie to Youtube on Mac
In the latest iMovie version, 10.3.5, you can no longer upload videos directly to YouTube. Instead, clicking the “Youtube & Facebook” share button will prompt you to export the video as a file, which will then be saved onto your computer.
To upload the video to YouTube, you will need to sign in to your Youtube account on a web browser and then upload the file from there.
iMovie to Youtube from iPad & iPhone
To upload a video to YouTube using the iMovie app on your iPhone or iPad, you must save the video into the “Photos Library” on your device first. Click on the “Share” button and then select “Save Video”. Open the YouTube app on your device and follow the steps to upload your video.
Here are some commonly asked questions related to uploading from iMovie to Youtube.
How Long Does it Take to Upload an iMovie Video to YouTube?
It can take anywhere between a couple of minutes to a few hours. The upload time for a video on YouTube depends on many factors such as the video’s size, length, and internet upload speed.
How Do I Know if My iMovie Video is Exporting?
When your iMovie video is being exported, you can see an icon that shows the uploading progress in real-time. Once it’s done exporting, your video will be in the saved location.
Final Thoughts
When you can’t upload your iMovie video to YouTube, it’s important to review YouTube’s guidelines and make any necessary changes to your video before uploading it onto the platform.
Additionally, if you are having trouble with slow internet speeds, you can try restarting your modem and router and if that doesn’t work, contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) for further assistance.
By taking these necessary steps, you can increase the chances of a successful video upload on YouTube.
Please share with us any advice you may have on resolving the issues with uploading videos to YouTube in the comments below.