How to Curve Text in Adobe InDesign

You can create a curved text by drawing a curved shape and then use the Type on a Path tool to make text follow the shape in InDesign.

Hi! My name is Liuda. InDesign is my favorite tool for making layouts and publishing designs because there are many sophisticated tools and features that make the process easier and deliver great results. 

It is common to use curved text for creating eye-catching logos, printed projects, or digital graphic designs and layouts. 

In this article, I will show you the easy steps to curve text in your InDesign file.

Let’s dive in. 

3 Essential Steps to Curve Text in Adobe InDesign

As complicated as it may seem, it’s actually really easy to curve text in InDesign. All you need to do is draw a curved line or use the Elipse Tool to make a circle, then use the Type on a Path tool to add text along the curve. 

Let’s jump into the steps!

Step 1: Create a Path or Shape

Create a path or shape to which you are going to apply the text. You can use the Pen Tool, Ellipse Tool, or any other drawing tool to create a custom path or shape. 

For example, I’m going to create a simple circle shape so I’ll choose the Elipse Tool from the toolbar. 

Click and drag on the canvas while holding down the Shift key to create a perfect circle.

If you want to create a more freehand curved path, you can also use the Pen Tool (keyboard shortcut P) to draw a custom path if you prefer a more unique shape for your curved text.

Once you have the curve line/shape, the next step is to add text.

Step 2: Add Text to the Curve Path

Go to your toolbar and select the Type on a Path tool. You can find it by clicking and holding on the Type Tool and choosing it from the dropdown menu. You can also activate the tool using the keyboard shortcut Shift + T.

Click on the path or shape where you want to start typing. This will convert the path into a text container. Type your text, which will automatically conform to the path’s shape.

You can adjust the position and formatting of our curved text to achieve a better effect. For example, the easiest way to move the position is to use the Selection Tool (keyboard shortcut V) to move the text along the path. 

If you want to change the text size, font, or adjust the spacing between characters or lines and other formatting options, You can use the Character or Paragraph panel to change the settings. 

Step 3: Remove the Curve Line

Now that you have the curve text perfectly aligned with the path, let’s separate the text from the path or shape. 

Select the circle shape and make it invisible by getting rid of the Stroke weight using the Properties > Appearance panel. 

If you change the Stroke value to 0, you’ll see that your curved path (in this case, the circle) disappeared.

When you feel like you are good to go, select your text and use the keyboard shortcut Shift + Command/Ctrl + O or go to Type > Create Outlines to outline your text.

This action converts your text into a vector and you can move, resize, or rotate it independently.

Final Thoughts

It is good to know how to curve text in InDesign. This technique can help you to create unique and attractive designs. Simply create a curve path and use the Type on a Path Tool to add text. 

Do you like to curve the text in Adobe InDesign? Do you like curve shape creation? Do you have any other tips? Let me know in the comments below.

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