How to Disable Xbox Game Bar on Windows 11

The Xbox Game Bar is a handy app that’s pre-built into Windows 11 for gamers to capture their gaming experience. But not every Windows user is a gamer, and some experienced gamers find the Xbox Game Bar buggy and less capable than some of its alternatives.

Fortunately, disabling Xbox Game Bar on Windows 11 is easy task. And there are several different ways to get the job done in less than a minute. Then you can avoid this app from consuming valuable system resources in the background.

Follow one of the guides below, and you’re all set!

Method 1: Disable Xbox Game Bar via the Settings App

Step 1: Press the Windows + I keys to run the Settings app. Navigate to Gaming on the left side and click on the toggle on the right-side pane to turn it off.

Step 2: Navigate to the Apps on the left side menu and click Apps & features on the right side.

Step 3: Scroll down to find the Xbox Game Bar, click on the three vertical dots, and choose Advanced options. Or you can directly type “Xbox Game Bar” in the search bar.

Step 4: Scroll down, find the Background apps permissions, and select Never. Then click on the below Terminate button to disable it for good.


Method 2: Turn off Xbox Game Bar via Registry Editor

Modifying the Registry Editor has no limit for either Windows 11 Home or Pro. Pay attention that once the Registry Editor is modified by mistake, it’s hard to go back. So, best to back up first.

Step 1: Press Windows + R, type “regedit” in the indicator box, and click OK or hit the Enter key.

Step 2: Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > System > GameConfigStore on the left-side menu, and find GameDVR_Enabled on the right-side pane.

Step 3: Right-click on GameDVR_Enabled and choose Modify.

Step 4: Modify the Value data to 0 and click OK.

Now the Xbox Game Bar is successfully disabled.

Method 3: Disable Xbox Game Bar via Group Policy Editor

For Windows 11 Home users, check out steps 1-5 first to learn how to enable Group Policy Editor and then Step 6-9 to turn off the Xbox Game Bar; for Windows 11 Pro users, you can start with Step 6-9.

Step 1: Press the Windows key and type “notepad” in the search bar. Hit the Enter key or click the Open button to run Notepad.

Step 2: Copy these codes and paste them into the new note.

@echo off 

pushd “%~dp0” 

dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-ClientExtensions-Package~3*.mum >List.txt 

dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-ClientTools-Package~3*.mum >>List.txt 

for /f %%i in (‘findstr /i . List.txt 2^>nul’) do dism /online /norestart /add-package:”%SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\%%i” 


Step 3: Save it as gpeditenabler.bat. Remember to choose the path you want to save first.

(I saved it to my desktop.)

Step 4: Right-click on the file icon and choose Run as administrator to run it.

Step 5: The program launches automatically. Wait until the “Press any key to continue” appears. Hit any key and the window will automatically close.

Step 6: Press the Windows + R keys and type “gpedit.msc” in the indicator box, hit the Enter key, or click on the OK button.

Step 7: Navigate to the Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > All Settings on the left side. Next step, you’ll go to the right-side pane.

Step 8: Scroll down to find Enables or disables Windows Game Recording and Broadcasting. Double-click to open it, or right-click on it and choose Edit.

Step 8: Select Disable, and click on the Apply and OK buttons to get the job done.

That’s it!

See? Pretty easy, right? Most of you should be able to get the job done with Method 1 in less than a minute. And Xbox Game Bar will be disabled from Windows 11 from now on.

Any other questions or problems, please leave a comment below.

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